Thursday 6 February 2020

Tuesday 4th February – Studio Night

Chris Kot kindly set up the hall with his own equipment giving members the opportunity to take some portrait shots with studio lighting. In addition we had a professional model who came along. There were lots of positive comments and members appreciated the chance to put the last two weeks theory into practise, with varying types of lighting being possible. In addition to the professional model we also had Margaret Scrivener who came along for the evening, together with one of two club members who were happy to pose. Apart from the "posed" portrait shots there were a few images taken of members working hard to get their pictures.
Some of the images taken are shown below.

Thanks to Chris for setting everything up and also thank you to the models Grace, Margaret and Roy not to mention some willing volunteer members on the night.

Roy by Liz Blake

Grace by Diana Graham

Jack by Dave Angood

Grace by Steve Gregory

Grace by Steve Gregory

Roy by Diana Graham

Grace by Christine Frost

Grace by David Wilkin

Roy by Dave Angood

Grace by Graham Frost

Roy by Graham Frost

Grace by Andy Lowe

David by Graham Frost

Di by Andy Lowe

Grace by Vanessa Robertson

Grace by Andy Lowe

Margaret by Graham Frost

Roy by Vanessa Robertson

Margaret by Steve Gregory

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