Monday, 16 April 2012

Sunday 15th April - Lavenham

Unfortunately, for once, the forecasters got it right!  Sunshine, showers, hailstones together with a very sharp north wind - never mind, we avoided getting too wet by sheltering in one coffee shop or another every time the heavens opened!

It was lovely to see some of our new members joining in a club event.  Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves wandering around Lavenham's very attractive medieval cottages and houses and the very splendid Church of St Peter and St Paul led by our guide for the day Andy Caws.  Hopefully some interesting images will have been taken, although I'm not sure what judges might make of the leaning verticals and weird perspectives of most of the timber framed buildings.

Di Jackson
Events Secretary


Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Tuesday 3rd April - Indoor Portrait Practical

Over 30 members + 2 guests (who were members by the end of the evening!) attended David Blake's studio evening.

We all packed into the small room to enjoy David's practical demonstration of some simple lighting and flash techniques that we can all put into practice at home.  Everyone then had the opportunity to 'have a go'.  A big 'thank you' to Jackie for being our model for the evening.

David went on to share some of his techniques for post production editing with some amazing results.  Thank you David for an excellent evening with lots of useful information which, hopefully, will inspire many of us to take better portraits.

Di Jackson
Events Secretary

Monday, 2 April 2012

Match a Print - Ladies vs Gentlemen

Well, the Match a Print evening went very well.... for the ladies!!!
A very enjoyable evening with the usual banter  and a great selection of images, thanks to our judge for the evening David Saunders CPAGB.

Don't forget your cameras, tripods and flashguns for tomorrow evening for a talk by myself on Basic Indoor Portraits....
