Thursday, 27 May 2021

Tuesday 25th May – "Never underestimate an old women with a camera" – talk by Sally Sallett, ARPS, CPAGB, AFIAP, BPE*3

WDPC were really appreciative of Sally coming along at very short notice. Thank goodness for Zoom as Sally comes from Wakefield!!

It is amazing how many qualifications Sally has achieved in such a short space of time. In the first half she shared some of her fairly normal pictures but in second half we saw some of her award winning images. For example her panels for her RPS distinctions and her CPAGB images, with very different but enjoyable styles.

Although Sally did not share any processing suggestions her creativity certainly showed through in her images. Many of her images can be seen on Face book. 

Wednesday, 12 May 2021

Tuesday 11th May – Mark Sisson, "White and Wild"

Mark came well recommended and certainly did not disappoint. Having describe the gear he uses he continued by sharing many images taken in cold climates. These ranged from Shropshire to Svalbard, from Finland to Iceland and from Japan to Yellowstone. He continually emphasised the benefit of taking images against the right back ground and being able to understand the lens you use, how they work and what you can do with them.

He described how in many cases he liked to give a sense of place and therefore had space in his images, sometimes of pure snow and sometimes of ice flows or maybe just the out of focus trees.  He demonstrated how much patience he had by waiting for hours in various hides waiting for the eagles to show up and  he mentioned the need to observe your subject and understand it before pressing the shutter.

Being unable to travel at the moment may be a good thing as I think there would be many wanting to book trips to Japan, Iceland and even Scandinavia. Lots of positive feedback from club members on the quality of Mark's images and also the excellent delivery of his presentation.

Thursday, 6 May 2021

Tuesday 4th May – "Still" by Paul Sanders

 We continue to enjoy Zoom meetings and speakers from all over, which we would not normal have access to. This evening we heard from Paul Sanders, previous Picture Editor of The Times, workshop leader and tour guide, amongst other things.

Paul posed several questions and used his own life story and images to illustrate his answers. The questions he asked are relevant to all photographers and included: Why are you taking this photograph ? Who do you take photographs for? Not how do you make images but why? What is photography for you? How do you feel when you are at any given location?

His personal account was very honest, very illuminating and very helpful to many members who came along. A very worthwhile evening judging by members comments. To see some of Paul's images please check out his website: