Thursday 26 January 2017

Tuesday 24th January - Round 2 Digital competition 'A Sporting Life'

There was a definite buzz in the air at the beginning of this meeting as we celebrated the club's success in the Cambridge Inter-club competition and showed off the silverware.  

Then it was business as usual as our EAF judge Nick Akers began analysing and scoring the 60 digital images which had been entered.  As Nick commented, the photographs featured a good variety of sporting topics.  Quite a few looked as if they had come from, or been inspired by, club events.

Thanks to all members who entered images and congratulations to the following photographers whose images achieved 19 and 20.

HOLD TIGHT by Ann Barber (19)

TAKING THE CORNER by Jim McConnell (20)

DETERMINATION by Christine Alcock (20)

THE SKATEBOARD KID by Jan Murphy (20)

MUDDY SPLASH by Francesca Shearcroft (20)

SKATEBOARDER by Liz Blake (19)

HARD CHARGING by Keith Mountford (19) 

MY SPORTS FILMSTRIP by Vanessa Robertson (19)

OUT OF THE WATER by Keith Mountford (19)

Sunday 22 January 2017

WDPC WINNERS Cambridge Inter-Club Competition

What a day!  Yesterday Wayland & District PC's 5 images in the Cambridge Clubs competition achieved the highest score (96 out of a possible 100) and won the John Lewis Trophy.  Just when we thought it couldn't get any better, Di Jackson's image of Wild Dogs Confronting Rhino was judged the best image and winner of the Roy Pitman Plate.

Several club members were there to support and there was a fair bit of clapping, whooping and general mayhem when we were announced winners!

Well done Wayland!


OPHELIA by Robin Orrow

SCURRY RACING by Robin Orrow

WAVES OF LIGHT by Paula Cooper


Judge Rosemary Wilman and WDPC Rentacrowd

Rosemary Wilman presents plate for Best Image to Di Jackson

Wednesday 11 January 2017

Tuesday 10th January 2107 – "The Creative Side of me" a talk by Malcolm Bumstead

We welcomed Malcolm Bumstead from Ipswich for tonight's meeting. Some of Malcolm's images are fairly conventional but most are still life or "Creative".
Don't be surprised if you see members going to car boot sales to acquire just the right props, taking pictures in unusual positions and then assembling the various elements in photoshop, with frequently over 100 layers!! All of this seemed to be in an evenings work for Malcolm.
Malcolm's talk included just the right amount of detail for both beginners and advanced members in the audience. It was informative, inspirational, entertaining and enjoyed by all members and visitors present. Thank you Malcolm.
Many of his images shown last night can be seen here.