Wednesday, 27 March 2024

Tuesday 26th March – Print competition, Nature. Judge Wayne Davey

 A warm welcome was extended to Wayne Davey, BPE*5, DPAGB, AWPF, who was more than qualified to judge out Nature competition. Wayne's comments were helpful and constructive giving compositional and editing suggestions. He commented that many of the images in the Advanced group showed interactions between "creatures" which made them much more interesting.

He admitted he found it difficult to score many of them, however, the top scoring images are shown below.

Icelandic Fox in the dawn glow by Robin Orrow 20

Pelican dispute by Carol Martin 20

Black Winged Stilt by Pam Rutty 20

Mandarin Duck by Ann Barber 20

Alpha Dominance by Robin Orrow 19

Female Wheatear standing still by Jack Mitchell 19

Friday, 22 March 2024

Tuesday 5th March 2024 – Presentation by Richard O'Brien, titled "Architecture – Exposure to Edit"

On Tuesday 5th March we were teated to a very comprehensive Zoom presentation by Richard O'Brien, entitled, Architecture - Exposure to Edit.
In the first half, Richard showed us the surprisingly small amount of kit he uses for his work. He explained the great ingenuity and tricks he employs in order to get his shots of these amazing public buildings, devoid of any people. He concentrates on getting that unusual and somewhat unexpected angle, rather than the usual one that everyone else will use.
In the second half Richard demonstrated his editing process using Lightroom and occasionally Photoshop, with some nifty shortcuts and unique methods thrown in.
All in all a very interesting, intuitive and refreshingly different evening.