Thursday, 16 June 2022

Wednesday 15th June - Thursford Steam Museum & Binham Priory

 A first visit for the club to Thursford Steam Museum and it proved to be quite a tricky location for photography - a combination of very dark and very bright played havoc with trying to get your exposure just right!  Hopefully everyone managed to get some interesting shots of the many varied exhibits. 

It was lovely to meet up again with club members and relax for half an hour listening to the mighty Wurlitzer belting out a few old favourites!

A few of us travelled up the road to Binham Priory to marvel at this Benedictine monastery which is still very much part of the local community as Parish Church and occasional venue for concerts and art exhibitions.

Some of our images can be seen below:

Hitching a Ride by Tim Leonard

The New Organist by Pam Rutty

Carousel Face by Nick Akers

Wheels by Liz Akers

Trying a New Hat by Tom Thurston

Whirling Horses by Francesca Shearcroft

Through the Arch by Sue Baldwin

Galloping Wendy by Andy Caws

No Comfort Spared by Pam Rutty

Stop-Go Controls by Nick Akers

Charging Horses by Di Jackson

Planet Cogs by Francesca Shearcroft

Early Health & Safety Notice by Tom Thurston

Suspended by Liz Akers

Copper and Brass by Sue Baldwin

Swinging from the Rafters by Andy Caws

Binham Priory Ruins by Di Jackson

The Mighty Wurlitzer by Di Jackson

Trying 2nd Curtain Setting by Tim Leonard

Wednesday, 15 June 2022

Tuesday 14th June: Presentation by David Clapp – "Images with Impact"

Again we were meeting on Zoom tonight, the benefit of which we saved our speaker a very long drive!!

David started his talk by giving us a potted story of his photographic journey so far. This appears to have been influenced by his strong musical interest as was evident also by references throughout his talk.

In the first half David talked about various compositional aspects of his images, using a marker on the screen to demonstrate his points. He encouraged us to get out of our comfort zone, have a go at taking different types of images and to consider having a project to develop an idea and  to show the images as a printed body of work, rather than just taking single images.

The second half was more of a travel log and was illustrated with many images from his recent trip to Death Valley. David stressed how important it was to plan carefully, to study the subject before taking any pictures.

Many if his photos were unusual in the way they depicted the subject. He showed a lot of infrared images, including different types of IR strengths, and recounted interesting stories which related to some of the pictures and again to present our photos as a body of work.

David kindly let us record the talk so members can revisit in their own time. His images can be seen on his website:

Thursday, 9 June 2022

Tuesday 7th June – Focus on Macro

 It is a while since we had a Focus on competition....when the members present are the judges and vote for their top 5 images. Only rule being that you cannot vote for your own image.

It was good to have so many images, a total of 39, but the holiday season has kicked in and the audience was quality rather than quantity!! Small edible prizes were awarded to the top 3 images.

After the break and a short brainstorm for programme ideas, we watched the images from the recent PAGB Gold Cup, both Nature and Open. Some lovely images and something for us all to aspire to.

1st  Wing Detail by Caroline Tillett

2nd Hover Fly on Leaf by Stephen Gregory

3rd Ornamental Poppy by Tom Thurston

4th Triple Jump by Robin Orrow

5th About to Land by Andy Caws

6th Black Tailed Skimmer by Diana Graham

7th Common Carder Bee by Stephen Gregory

8th Spotted Bush Cricket by Robin Orrow

9th Robber Fly by Mick Ladner

10th Jewels on a Dandelion by Francesca Shearcroft