Thursday, 21 September 2017

Tuesday 12th September – Welcome Back

Lots of chat was heard at the opening meeting of the new club year as members had the opportunity to catch up with friends not seen over the summer break. 
Last season we ended on a high with lots of celebrations. This year we continued with that theme as two members were presented with ribbons gained at the individual PAGB exhibition held in Ireland over the summer.
So after subs were paid and presentations made we all settled down for a lighthearted evening. Rather than look at images from external competitions several members had kindly prepared slide shows of places they had visited over the last 3 months. We started in  Paris with Jan, no less than two from Paula demonstrating her particular style of photography, a visit to the Keukenhof with Christine and Francesca. After the interval we went to Romania with Di, Andy and Rachael, Dungeness with Jack who talked us through why he found himself at Dungeness and last, but by no means least, a series of slides by Robin who had just returned from a workshop with Laurie Campbell in Scotland.

A good evening and one which slightly overran but with so many helpers to clear the hall we were shipshape extremely quickly. Thanks to all for such help and support.