Friday, 28 February 2020

Felbrigg Hall, Garden and Estate (NT) - Thursday 27th February 2020

In spite of the rather ominous sounding forecast and the sleet and wind as we drove up to Felbrigg, six of us still managed to make it there and, as it turned out, it was a good decision.

A quick tea or coffee in the cafe followed by a tour of the Hall followed by a delicious lunch and we were ready to brave the elements in the gardens and tackle a gentle hike around the Estate.  The weather had brightened up considerably and we had a very invigorating walk round the lake enjoying the wonderful scenery and the sunshine!

Some of our images can be seen below: 

Felbrigg Hall by Roy Scrivener

Bedroom Clock by Francesca Shearcroft

Guzunder by Andy Caws

The Library by Di Jackson

Decanter by Kim Scrivener

Cock of the Walk by Roy Scrivener

Shadows Below Stairs by Francesca Shearcroft

The Felbrigg Six 

Reflections by Kim Scrivener

The Four Poster by Di Jackson

Tuesday 25th February – Digital Competition, Monochrome

We welcomed Richard Houghton to judge our Digital Competition, Monochrome, this evening. Richard had come a long way and was very complimentary about the club's standard of images.  He tended to be quite focussed on the rule of thirds but that being said his comments were constructive, non repetitive and helpful.
The high scoring images are shown below.

Abandoned Kitchen by Steve Gregory 20/20

Hitting the Bend by Di Jackson 20/20

North American Grizzle Bear by Robin Orrow 20/20

Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Me by Donna Smith 19/20

Racing Through by Mick Ladner 19/20

Robin by Andy Lowe 19/20

Snow on Pyramid Mountain by Dawn Osborn 19/20

The Boiler Men by Graham Frost 19/20

Yesteryear by Daphne Lingwood 19/20

Monday, 24 February 2020

St. Ives Interprint 2020 - Saturday 22nd February

This was the club's first entry into a print competition and eight of us travelled to St. Ives to see how we fared.  We came a very creditable 9th out of the 29 competing clubs with Cambridge winning for the 3rd consecutive year - many congratulations to them.

Robin's image 'Golden Eagle and Red Fox' was awarded a PAGB silver medal for being the judge's second choice from the 232 prints on display - fantastic achievement Robin.

Our 8 prints can be seen below:

Wednesday, 12 February 2020

Tuesday 11th February – Post Processing , including B&W by Tony Bramley, FRPS

A good attendance this evening to hear Tony Bramley's presentation. Tony is well known to many members who have attended his workshops. He took the title in its widest form and his presentation covered how to set-up your camera to how to print the edited image.  A lot to cover in one evening, but without the need to take notes as the pdf will be distributed to members later, we were able to concentrate on the slides shown.
He included a demonstration of how to use Silver Efex Pro 2 which many members found helpful, particularly on how to use Control Points to obtain pinpoint accuracy for various effects.
Tony is a Permajet Ambassador and brought along some paper packs for us to buy together with his recently released handbooks, which are also available from Amazon.

Thursday, 6 February 2020

Tuesday 4th February – Studio Night

Chris Kot kindly set up the hall with his own equipment giving members the opportunity to take some portrait shots with studio lighting. In addition we had a professional model who came along. There were lots of positive comments and members appreciated the chance to put the last two weeks theory into practise, with varying types of lighting being possible. In addition to the professional model we also had Margaret Scrivener who came along for the evening, together with one of two club members who were happy to pose. Apart from the "posed" portrait shots there were a few images taken of members working hard to get their pictures.
Some of the images taken are shown below.

Thanks to Chris for setting everything up and also thank you to the models Grace, Margaret and Roy not to mention some willing volunteer members on the night.

Roy by Liz Blake

Grace by Diana Graham

Jack by Dave Angood

Grace by Steve Gregory

Grace by Steve Gregory

Roy by Diana Graham

Grace by Christine Frost

Grace by David Wilkin

Roy by Dave Angood

Grace by Graham Frost

Roy by Graham Frost

Grace by Andy Lowe

David by Graham Frost

Di by Andy Lowe

Grace by Vanessa Robertson

Grace by Andy Lowe

Margaret by Graham Frost

Roy by Vanessa Robertson

Margaret by Steve Gregory