Wednesday, 28 June 2023

Tuesday 27th June 2023 - Image of the Year competition

In the last competition of the year, we welcomed Naomi Saul to judge the print and digital Image of the Year. First up were 21 digital images ranging from creative images through to classic nature and landscape shots. Naomi held back 9 on her shortlist before settling on Roy Scrivener’s ‘The Artist’ as the winner.

After the break, we turned to the prints. There were 16 entries and 7 were held back and in with a chance of scooping the title. The winner was Di Jackson’s ‘Compromised Mountain Hare’. 

Congratulations to our winners and runners up. You can see their images below.

Digital Image of the Year 'The Artist' by Roy Scrivener

THE ARTIST by Roy Scrivener

Print Image of the Year 'Compromised Mountain Hare' by Di Jackson


Runners up in the Digital section:

2nd place  LITTLE OWL by Sandie Jardine

3rd place  DREAMY COSMOS by Jan Murphy

Highly Commended  FLAT AROUND CORUM by Christine Frost

Highly Commended  CATCH OF THE DAY by Robin Orrow

Highly Commended  LOOKING INTO EMPTINESS by Stephen Gregory

Highly Commended  BOAT GRAVEYARD by Francesca Shearcroft

Commended  HARE WASHING by Caroline Tillett

Commended  MONGOOSE by Diana Graham

Runners up in the Print section:

2nd  CAMBODIAN MONK by Carol Martin



Highly Commended  LONE HARBOUR SEAL by Jack Mitchell

Commended  MALE STONECHAT ON BRAMBLE by Christine Frost

Commended  FARNE FROM BAMBURGH by Roy Scrivener

Wednesday, 14 June 2023

Tuesday 13th June - Focus On Composites

In earlier meetings this season we have seen demonstrations from club members and watched Zoom speakers create composite images.  Tonight was a chance to see how people applied the various techniques to create their own images.  We saw a wide variety of results which demonstrated both skill and imagination.

There were 30 entries and the members at the meeting voted for the top 5.  The clear favourite was Sue Baldwin's 'Bootiful'.  Sue described the components of her images and how they were combined as did the authors of the other images in the top 5.  Scroll down to see the images that received the most votes.

In the second part of the meeting, Jack Mitchell did a step-by-step demonstration using Photoshop and Lightroom to create a contact sheet of six images.  This is something that will be needed by entrants of our annual summer challenge.  Jack also covered adding a pinline or stroke to finish an image and saving the image as a correctly sized jpeg - I know our competition secretary will be pleased if more of us master resizing!

1st BOOTIFUL by Sue Baldwin

2nd AT THE GOING DOWN OF THE SUN by Graham Jackson

3rd CANT SEE ME by Stephen Gregory

4th THE FACE IN THE CITY by Jan Murphy

5th PRETTY IN BLUE by Francesca Shearcroft

6th= A HOST OF GARDEN BIRDS by Jack Mitchell

6th= POPPY PATCH by Andy Caws

6th= THE BLACK SWAN by Roy Scrivener

9th WAIT FOR ME by Graham Jackson

10th= CARNATION by Diana Graham

10th= PLAYING IN THE MUD by Francesca Shearcroft

Wednesday, 7 June 2023

Tuesday 6th June - Bob Johnson 'The Kingdom of the Ice Bear'

Bob was originally scheduled to visit us next season but kindly stepped in when our original speaker pulled out.  We will still see him next season with a different presentation.

This evening Bob took us on a journey around 'The Kingdom of the Ice Bear'.  We experienced the images, sounds and smells of a four-week trip Bob made in Svalbard aboard the Havsel, a converted seal hunting ship.  While the main subject was polar bears, we also saw photos of seals, arctic foxes, walrus and skuas.  The trip started and ended in Longyearbyen and Bob's images showed us what life was like living in the most northerly town on the planet.

Next time we see Bob, he will transport us to the Serengeti.