Thursday, 24 November 2022

Tuesday 22nd November 2022 - Print competition - Open

After an absence of three years, we were finally able to hold a print competition at Wells Cole.  A total of 48 images were entered across our three classes.  

This evening's EAF judge was Wayne Davey and this was his first visit to Wayland.  As he studied each print, Wayne offered a number of tips on camera techniques and post-processing before awarding his scores.  There was a good variety of topics represented and Wayne was familiar with many of them down to individual models and studios, scenic locations across the country and wildlife sites.

After holding back the candidates for the highest scores, Wayne made his final decision and they can been seen below.

In Members class:

HANDSOME FELLA by Ann Barber 20/20

FLYING HIGH by Phil Childs 19/20

In Intermediate class:

LIPIZZANER by Chris Kot 20/20 

RAJEEV by Les Thwaites 19/20

LOW SUN ON THE LOCH  by Kim Scrivener 19/20

TAFF by Chris Kot 19/20

DUNGENESS by Pam Rutty 18/20

A CANDLE TO LIGHT THE WAY by Graham Jackson 18/20

SLATERS BRIDGE by Daphne  Lingwood 18/20

In Advanced class:

STORMING THROUGH by Graham Frost 20/20

LYDIA by Caroline Tillett 20/20

LOWESTOFT LIFEGUARD HUT by Stephen Gregory 20/20


CAMBODIAN MONK by Carol Martin 19/20

PAIR OF SWANS by Diana Graham 18/20

REACHING FOR THE SKIES by Roy Scrivener 18/20



MALE STONECHAT ON BRAMBLE by Christine Frost 18/20

Sunday, 13 November 2022

Fungus Foray Dersingham (NNR) - Friday 11th November 2022

14 of us gathered at Dersingham Bog on an amazingly mild 15 degrees C November morning.

We were soon scattered far and wide throughout the woods searching for what proved to be the very elusive fungi.  Eventually we decided it was time to move on for some refreshments.  Tim had recommended The Granary just a few miles up the road at Snettisham so off we went and enjoyed some lightish lunches and/or cakes (or both!).  Excellent food, fascinating place with an amazing array of antiques, knick knacks and locally made handicrafts and produce for sale.

A few of us decided to drive down to the beach at Snettisham and were rewarded with a splendid sunset.

Some of our images are below:

 Bonnet by Marnie Ball

Small Bracket Fungus on Birch by Tim Leonard

Birch Polypore by Di Jackson

Hoof Fungus by Maureen Campbell

Milk-Cap by Andy Caws

Parasol by Sue Baldwin

Young Puffball by Tim Leonard

Bracket by Marnie Ball

Fly Agaric by Graham Jackson

Bracket Fungus by Tim Leonard

Candlesnuff Fungus by Maureen Campbell

Milk Cap by Sue Baldwin

Bracket Fungus by Graham Jackson

Fungus by Di Jackson

Knots at Snettisham by Marnie Ball

Snettisham Sunset by Di Jackson

Wednesday, 9 November 2022

Tuesday 8th November - Astrophotography - Mick Ladner and Dan Self

As dusk approached after a mostly dull, damp, cloudy day there was a short sharp shower followed by a double rainbow and lovely clear skies!  Just what we needed for tonight's meeting at Wells Cole where three members of Breckland Astronomical Society, Mick, Dan and Malcolm, gave us a practical introduction to astrophotography.  As soon as we saw the array of equipment they brought and the three dimensional graphs and measurements in millions of light years, we knew this genre was not for the faint-hearted!  But after some basic theory and some practical demonstrations, we were ready to have a go outside.

Light pollution is a major problem even in rural areas like Saham Toney but some club members managed to achieve some shots of the starry sky in the south west.  We are looking forward to visiting the observatory in Great Ellingham in January when we can put all their tips into practice.


10s at f3.5, ISO400, 70-150mm lens at 70mm on Olympus EM1-MKlll
by Mick Ladner

20s at f2.8, ISO 1600, 12-40mm lens at 12mm Olympus EM1-MKlll by Mick Ladner

Image by Di Jackson

Wednesday, 2 November 2022

Tuesday 1st November - Light Painting with David Gilliver

Having Zoom meetings once a month gives us the opportunity to hear from speakers further afield.  Last night's speaker, David Gilliver, joined us from Glasgow, Scotland.

To start, David described some more traditional approaches which he used in his early days - long exposures, star trails, light trails and ICM (intentional camera movement). He then took us into his world of light painting tools and demonstrated how he achieved the ethereal effects introducing light painting into different landscapes.  

Achieving these unusual effects will no doubt take some practice but judging by the questions club members were asking David, they are planning to have a go very soon!  I look forward to seeing the results.

You can see examples of David's light painting images on his website