Thanks to Jim and Fred Price from The Beyond Group we had a lively, entertaining meeting last night. They spoke with much experience on ‘The Difference between a Camera Club picture and an Exhibition Picture’ - Jim has amassed over 1250 acceptances in exhibitions and Fred is up to 1100.
To begin, they explained various photographic organisations and the awards and qualifications they offer. We saw medals they had been awarded and the many exhibition books containing accepted work at national and international exhibitions. They demonstrated the differences between judges scoring at Club competitions and the approach used by exhibition selectors, by showing several prints. Some had been successful at Club level but not at exhibitions, for other prints, the opposite was true.
After the break, we had a chance to see the exhibition selection process in action. Two sets of three ‘selectors’ viewed over 30 prints and scored them (out of 5). Each print was on the stand for a matter of seconds. Our gold medal winners and our selectors’ favourites tended to be those that made an instant impact through lighting, subject matter, composition, message etc.
Here are links to other organisations they mentioned:
Jim and Fred Price ask for a donation to the Help for Heroes charity instead of a fee. From Club funds we donated £100 and a collection on the night raised a further £82.44 for the charity.