Wednesday, 25 May 2011

EDP Pensthorpe NatureWatch

Great to see in the Tuesday EDP that one of our number from Wayland & District Photographic Club, was a finalist in the EDP Pensthorpe NatureWatch Photographer of the Year competition, with his much admired and praised by all the judges entry, ‘Chaffinch’.
Member Bill Pound is to be congratulated on reaching the final 5 with the judges saying ‘To get the stunning colourful image of a Chaffinch in flight, Bill, from Dereham, spent over two hours waiting for his opportunity in the woodland hide at Pensthorpe’.
Well done Bill, we are all proud of you.

Peter Wilson
WDPC Norfolk Secretary & Vice-Chairman

©Bill Pound, Norfolk Images 2011

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Next Meeting

Just to remind everyone that the next meeting is the 24th May and is a Print Competition with the theme People judged by Doug Mounter.
I am sure this will be a great evening and look forward to seeing everyone there.

Also, as it's between meetings, Friday 10th June there is an Evening shoot in Wymondham meeting at 7.30pm
Please see the website for further details...


Digital Competition - In Close

Sorry for the delay in getting these images up, unfortunately Blogger were doing maintenance on the site and it has been down for some time...

Thanks go to Joan Jordan for judging the evening and here are the images scoring 19 & 20.
©Bee on a Flower by Andrew Barnes

©Blackbird Mum by Ron Scrivener

©Bonnie by Diana Graham

© Confiding Swallow by Melvin Holmes

© Corn Bunting Declaring Territory by Melvin Holmes

©Elizabeth Rose by Christine Alcock

©Flower Head by Andrea Caws

©Hanging On by Tom Thurston

©Hello by David Wilkin

©Little Owl by Robin Orrow

©Mating Toads by Robin Orrow

©Orchid by David Ryland

©Red Mason Bee by Di Jackson

©Thirsty Work by Debra Adams

©Tompot Under the Pier by Robin Orrow

©Tulip by Diana Graham

©Yellow Tulip by Ron Wheeler

Well done again to everyone who took part.
