On Tuesday evening we welcomed Penny Reeves to judge the first competition of the season. Digital Round 1. Theme Open.
A look at her website shows that she covers a wide ranging genre and so is well placed to judge an open theme. She explained that her critique is a personal judgement and that members showed bravery in entering competitions and as such should be respected.
Her marking was tight but the scores given to each image matched the critique. She held back two images in the members group.
Critiquing and marking the advance group set her a real challenge. The bar was set very high. She held back twelve images. Six got the top score of twenty points and the remaining six received nineteen points.
Here are the high scoring images for the advance members
ALSTROMERIAS by Carol Martin (20)
BROWN HARE by Sandie Jardine (20)
FOX by Sandie Jardine (20)
SKIPPER by Francesca Shearcroft (20)
STILL LIFE by Jan Murphy (20) TAKING SHELTER by Andrew Stringer (20)
EMERGING OUT OF THE DUST by Robin Orrow (19)
FOCUSED by Carol Martin (19)
HARE PULLING FACES by Jack Mitchell (19)
TOO YOUNG TO FLY by Jack Mitchell (19)
WHITE ON WHITE by Jan Murphy (19)
High scoring images for members group