Wednesday, 15 September 2021

Tuesday 14th September Zoom Presentation by Phil Savoie

 Although last week we met for real in the  Wells Cole CC it was back to Zoom this week for a presentation by Phil Savoie, original entitled "Up your Photography" but now called " Principals of Photography". We are all still learning and in this talk Phil  shared his Photographic journey of self improvement and how we could create images with impact.

He covered the basics of lenses, depth of field, story telling and the need to have emotional contact with the viewer. All points being well illustrated with  excellent images.  The second half included some really useful Secret Source tips which were so simple and very helpful.

It was generally agreed that his presentation was brilliant and very informative.

Please check your Phil's web site to see some of his stunning images and film clips:

Wednesday, 8 September 2021

Tuesday 7th September: Summer Challenge

We did not think the day would ever come when we would welcome Members back to the Wells Cole Hall. Several  had booked holidays or had work commitments and sent apologies, none the less there were 33 members who met for the first time in 18 months.

We welcomed along Roy Essery, MPAGB, to be the Judge for the Summer Challenge Competition. In the past we have had three judges each scoring every image, this year we did it slightly differently with only one judge who briefly commentated on each image and then scored the entry on the 7th image which was an image of all 6 images. There were 23 entries and all were praised by Roy as being of a high standard.

As this was the first real meeting before we saw the images for the Summer Challenge the chairman presented the Awards for last season. Click here

No easy task to select a winner but the high scoring images can be seen below

1st Place: Hedgerow Sketches by Andy Caws 20

2nd Place: It's all about the splash by Jan Murphy 20

3rd Place: Summer Insects by Liz Akers 20

Highly Commended: Old Buckenham Airshow by Graham Frost 19