Saturday, 23 May 2020

Focus On "Creative Flowers"

Thanks to our Competition Secretary, Robin, we have run another Focus on Competition whilst in these strange times of lockdown. Thanks to all club members who entered, there were a total of 41 images and potentially all members could vote as if they were the judge. 
The top 10 images are shown below.

1st To the Wind by Christine Alcock

2nd Falling by Christine Alcock

3rd  Freedom by Steve Gregory

4th Dandelion from Seed to Flower by Robin Orrow

5th It's Raining Floaties by Jan Murphy

6th World in a Flower by Francesca Shearcroft

7th Flamingo Lily by Di Jackson

8th Isolation by Francesca Shearcroft

9th Dandelion Twirl by Diana Graham

10th Garden and Sphere by Vanessa Robertson