Friday, 25 September 2020

Tuesday 22nd September – "Odd Things" by Diana Seddon

 Zoom meetings continue in these strange times and this week Diane Seddon came along from Lincolnshire to give a presentation about "Odd Things". 

The poster says it all......

Diane certainly gave us all plenty of ideas on how we could be creative. In addition, if she needed to do something then she was persistent in finding out how it could be done in Photoshop..and with great effect. 

Many favourable comments from members and visitors alike.  So hopefully in the weeks and months to come we will see some more creative images and members thinking out of the box. Thanks Diane for a great evening.

Tuesday 8th September – Polina Plotnikova

We were delighted to welcome award winning photographer Polina Plotnikova to our Zoom meeting this evening.

Polina's presentation was in two distinct parts, the first half was all about her stunning flower photography whilst the second half focussed on her still life pictures. Most of the images were taken in Polina's home studio with minimal kit which she was only too willing to share with us. her creative flower images  were excellent and certainly provided much food for thought. 

Rather than take notes at the time Polina one some after thwarts which gave all the relevant details about the artists who had influenced her, the kit she used and her workshops.

Additionally she would be happy to return and give us a talk bout Lensbaby lenses, for which she is now an ambassador.