Thursday, 30 November 2017

Tuesday 28th November – Open Print Competition

We welcomed Andy Wilson to judge the Open Print Competition.There were 73 images in two classes ranging in subject matter from abstract to animals, from insects to portraits. Andy complimented the club on the high standard of images, particularly in the Members Advanced group. He then warned us that he would be using a wide range of marks!!.
The high scoring images are shown below.
Autumn Harvest by Pam Rutty 20/20

Before Gettysburg by Graham Frost 20/20

Insex by Dave Angood 20/20

The Wood Fairy by Chris Kot 20/20

Arch Down Under by Vanessa Robertson 19/20

Bernadette by Chris Kot 19/20

Hard Protection by Kim Scrivener 19/20

Inquisitive by Paula Cooper 19/20

Man's Best Friend by Jack Mitchell 19/20

Percy Penguin by Suzi Senior 19/20

Smoked by Francesca Shearcroft 19/20

Summer Sweet Pea by Suzi Senior 19/20

Thursday, 16 November 2017

Tuesday 14th November– "Not Everything is Black & White"

It was with great pleasure that we welcomed Roger Hance to our meeting this evening, to give his talk entitled "Not Everything is Black and White".  Always a good speaker, Roger certainly lived up to expectations. He showed many prints, all printed on PermaJet papers, and throughout was generous in his comments about camera technique, lens choice, composition and post-processing techniques. Everyone was captivated and appreciated the chance to have a close up look at the prints shown from the front but then passed round.
Many of his images were recent but with the occasional one from his film days. Many had received awards at club, regional and national competitions.
Roger's images can be seen on his website,
Thank you Roger for a very enjoyable evening.

Friday, 10 November 2017

Thursday 9th November - Titchwell Marsh RSPB

Most of us had to work fairly hard to find any birds within range of our lenses and Fen hide and Patsy’s reedbed were disappointing as there was hardly a bird in sight!

We had more luck as we walked along the West bank path spotting various waders and wildfowl but most productive was the Beach, particularly towards the tidal creek at Saltmarsh, where there were plenty of obliging sanderlings, oystercatchers, godwits and gulls.

We met up for lunch at the cafe and enjoyed a variety of hot food and drinks then set out again before we lost the light. We were rewarded with a splendid sunset over the marshes and a glimpse of a distant harrier.

Some of our images can be seen below.

Titchwell Sunset by Andy Caws

Black-headed Gull by Liz Blake

Redshank by Francesca Shearcroft

Brent Flyover by Graham Frost

Curlew by Christine Frost

Red Kite by Mick Ladner

Turnstone Turning Razor Clam by Di Jackson

Snipe by Robin Orrow

Little Egret by Tom Thurston

Sanderling by Graham Jackson

Get Close to your Subject by Christine Frost

Turnstone off to the Beach by Graham Frost

Oystercatcher Under Attack by Di Jackson

Reed Bunting by Tom Thurston

Blacktailed Godwits by Mick Ladner

Redshank Dispute by Robin Orrow

Thursday, 9 November 2017

Tuesday 7 November - Focus On ... People

Thank you to all the members who submitted images for the Focus on...People.
There were 47 entries and as usual members voted for their top 5 in order. Points added up in the break to arrive at the winning images.
After the break Robin showed the panel he had submitted to the Chelmsford Interclub competition. Very striking it was, animals in black and white.
Robin then kindly demystified the recent software updates from Adobe, DxO Luminar and Affinity. 
To complete the evening we watched a slide show of images which had been entered into an international nature competition. High key and lots of bokeh seemed to be popular but all members were inspired by at least some of them.
Congratulations to the winners of the Focus on..their images are shown below.

1st VICTORY IN SIGHT by Keith Mountford


3rd THE PAINTERS MIND by Andy Lowe

4th OLD TIMER by Christine Frost

5th THE BALLET DANCER by Chris Kot




9th YOU WANT WHAT BIGGER by Roy Scrivener

10th= HAPPY HOUR by Christine Alcock

10th= INNOCENCE by Vanessa Robertson