Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Thursday 5th December – A talk by Ruth Grindrod

Ruth is a locally based landscape photography and we welcomed her along to the club meeting to give a talk entitled "My Photographic Journey".
Ruth had brought along lots of prints, printed on a variety of papers and members enjoyed looking at them. However she gave an excellent presentation and talked about her photography in general...what were the key points in taking a picture..and then discussed some of her pictures. She gave many learning points along the way including tips on composition, tips on the gear used, in particular, the filters she used, and also how she had brought out various parts of the image in editing. She even showed some of her images which were not so good and explained why she thought that was so.
She finished by giving a brief demonstration of how she processed one of her images.
Her images had a softness about them which many members found very appealing. Many can be viewed on her website,
All in all a very worthwhile evening.