Friday, 28 February 2020

Felbrigg Hall, Garden and Estate (NT) - Thursday 27th February 2020

In spite of the rather ominous sounding forecast and the sleet and wind as we drove up to Felbrigg, six of us still managed to make it there and, as it turned out, it was a good decision.

A quick tea or coffee in the cafe followed by a tour of the Hall followed by a delicious lunch and we were ready to brave the elements in the gardens and tackle a gentle hike around the Estate.  The weather had brightened up considerably and we had a very invigorating walk round the lake enjoying the wonderful scenery and the sunshine!

Some of our images can be seen below: 

Felbrigg Hall by Roy Scrivener

Bedroom Clock by Francesca Shearcroft

Guzunder by Andy Caws

The Library by Di Jackson

Decanter by Kim Scrivener

Cock of the Walk by Roy Scrivener

Shadows Below Stairs by Francesca Shearcroft

The Felbrigg Six 

Reflections by Kim Scrivener

The Four Poster by Di Jackson

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