Thursday 11 July 2024

Tuesday 9th July – AGM and Presentation of Awards

 AGM's are never the most exciting of meetings, however we managed to cover the necessary business fairly quickly, not least because all relevant reports had been sent out before hand. There were few questions asked at the meeting.

The Competition Secretary had prepared a slide show of all the high scoring images of the year and at the appropriate points we awarded the Trophies, Certificates and, new for this year, the Medals. 

After the meeting conclude we enjoyed a time to socialise enriched by the delights from the catering team, which did not disappoint.

Thanks to all members who came along and congratulations to all those who received awards.

Some of the award winners for 2024.

Sunday 7 July 2024

Sunday 7th July – Summer Lunch

In the past we have had a BBQ for our end of year social but this year we decided to try something different, namely a bring and share meal. The table was groaning with all the food that members had cooked/provided. All dietary requirements were catered for. And we had a wonderful spread of cold meat, quiches, loads of different salads and a veritable feast of puddings, with at least three different pavlovas!!

Before the serious eating began we all assembled for a group photograph. Hopefully in the years to come this will be a happy reminder to all those present of the occasion which was enjoyed by all present. It was great that Tim and his wife could come along and share the occasion with us after his recent spell in hospital. (see pictures below).

A huge thanks to Sue and Pam for their organising and to all members for bringing along the various dishes. A great time was had by all.

Tuesday 2nd July: "New York Boogie Woogie"– A presentation by Keith Snell

 We welcomed Keith to our meeting this evening but his web site suggested he was a landscape photographer in the  Lake District........however this was far from the Lakes and far from landscapes. The images he showed were all taken on a workshop trip to New York with Doug Chinnery and Valda Bailey and featured multiply exposures all done in camera.

Keith included some technical details about white balance and other camera settings and then showed us how he had created the images. Not all cameras have the blend modes for multiply exposures or the facility to change any parameters between the first and second image.

Keith's images were very  subjective!! Some  member's loving them and inspired to try the type in London perhaps, whilst at the other end of the scale members were totally switched off. 

None the less Keith's presentation was informative and provided some useful technical information, at least for those with the flexibility in their cameras to do multiple exposures.

Friday 28 June 2024

Tuesday 25th June – Image of the Year

We welcomed Mike Lloyd along to WDPC to judge the Image of the Year. There was only one class and members could enter one digital and one print image.

Mike commented on the high standard of images and struggled with his final scores. The lower number of entries meant that he had time to look at each image and provide constructive feedback. 

Thanks to all those members who submitted images. 

The winners and scores are shown below.



1st Icelandic Fox by Robin Orrow


2nd Red Deer Stag by Sandi Jardine

3rd A fisheye View by Jan Murphy


Highly Commended: Impressions of the Forum by Sue Baldwin


Highly Commended: Little Blue Heron with its Prey by Dawn Osborn

Commended: Cromer Hot Rod by Roy Scrivener



1st Male and Female Little Owls by Sandi Jardine

2nd Flesh Fly by Geoff Lingwood

3rd Bow Fiddle Rock by Roy Scrivener

Highly Commended: Magnolia Bloom by Francesca Shearcroft

Highly Commended: Kicking Up Dirt by Carol Martin

Highly Commended: Little Owl about to land by Dawn Osborn

Highly Commended: Nose to Nose by Robin Orrow

Highly Commended: Mountain Hare by Lyn Ibbitson-Elks

Commended: Elderly Village Lady by Jan Murphy



Tuesday 18 June 2024

Tuesday 11th – Carnivores of the Serengeti , an illustrated talk by Bob Johnson

 It was pleasure to welcome Bob Johnson back to WDPC again. Not all of us are able to travel as much as we would like so to listen to Bob's talk, so ably  illustrated by amazing images, was a real treat. Some quite gruesome photos but then that is the real world in the bush.

Bob started his talk by saying how he got into photography and what gear he used.  He continued by showing us many leopard /cheetah images and in the second half we were shown some beautiful lion pictures.

Bob runs his own tours to Tanzania as well as guiding for a commercial organisation. Sadly his next tour is not till 2025 and is, I think, almost full.

Thanks Bob for a great evening.

Monday 10 June 2024

Bressingham Gardens and Steam Event – Sunday 9th June

A small but select few met  at Bressingham Steam Museum on a day of mixed weather, although fortunately we had left by the time the rains came. After a wander around the many steaming engines displayed and watching the gallopers we turned our lenses towards the garden.

Many of the beds were in impeccable condition with no signs of weeds, beautiful trimmed edges and with colourful displays. Some ventured down to Foggy Bottom and were rewarded with some pond life, whilst  others spent more time in the garden. The wind gusts proved challenging but hopefully everyone managed to get some pleasing photos. We convened at the cafe for lunch together before going our separate ways. Thanks to Pam Rutty for organising the day.

A wide range of images were captured as shown below.

All in a Spin by Sue Baldwin
Bressingham Gardens by Rachael Trivett

Four Funnels by Diana Graham

Emerging Frog by Pam Rutty

Spiky Defences by Francesca Shearcroft
Thick-legged Beetle on Geranium by Diana Graham

Engine Maintenance by Pam Rutty

Foggy Bottom by Rachael Trivett

Concentrating on the Job by Sue Baldwin

Steel Giant by Pam Rutty

Damsel Fly by Francesca Shearcroft

Foggy Bottom 2 by Rachael Trivett

Wednesday 5 June 2024

Tuesday 4th June: Mono Moods by Colin Jarvis

 It was a pleasure to welcome Colin from Preston to our evening meeting in Norfolk....thank goodness for Zoom.

Colin showed us many long exposure images which instilled a sense of calm. He runs many workshops and in the first half many of the images in his presentation captured the NW coastline of the UK. To us in Norfolk this made a refreshing change.

In the second half Colin travelled around little more with his photos, however he did explain how he captured these images and also gave some editing tips.

Maybe several of our members will now want to head north in the UK to capture some of these lesser well know places.