Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Tuesday 14th May – A presentation by Christine Hart, ARPS, DPAGB

A good turn out from members to hear Chrissie Harts Presentation about how she achieved the images in her ARPS panel. All the images were takin in her back garden over a 4 month period one summer. They were all fine art rather than nature.
The panel was entitled "A Rabbit in Hole in my Garden". Her statement of intent truly reflected the feel and style of her images, all of which were on display.
After the break Chrissie showed us how she edited her images showing us the original image and then the various techniques she used in photoshop to achieve her desired finished image. 
Most members were able to glean some useful hints and tips about using layers, masks and blend modes within the software.
Her panel can be seen here.
A most enjoyable evening was had by all and I am sure we will be inviting her back.

1 comment:

  1. It was a very informative & inspiring evening presented by a talented but modest artist. Thank you Chrissie
