Wednesday, 8 February 2023

Tuesday 7th February - 'Photographing Landscape whatever the weather' with Tony Worobiec

This was Tony's third visit to Wayland and this time he was encouraging us to embrace all weather conditions. More than 30 club members joined in this Zoom meeting from the warm, dry comfort of home to see Tony's examples of cold, wet, windy, grey weather and how these conditions can be used to our advantage in landscape photography.  Through a range of examples featuring many different types of landscape, we saw how Tony had 'matched' the weather conditions to locations or subjects often with dramatic results.

By the end of the meeting, Tony left us checking our weather apps and getting excited at the prospect of frost and fog in our area the next morning.  I wonder how many went out early with their cameras to take advantage of these conditions?

You can find out more about Tony's photographs and books on his website here.

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