Thursday, 29 September 2022

Tuesday 27th September - Flash photography with Mark Peers

At tonight’s meeting we were learning more about the subject of off-camera flash.  Our visiting speaker, Mark Peers, began with an overview of the essential factors of flash photography and his passion for the subject was obvious.  Mark had brought with him a multitude of lighting equipment and demonstrated how to get different lighting effects for portraits.  After a short break, Mark set up three different lighting situations and members attached Mark’s triggers to their cameras and were able to put their new knowledge to the test.

This workshop could not have been possible without the fabulously attired steam punk models, Paul and Shirley Radden.  Shirley posed very patiently while Mark demonstrated different lighting adjustments.  Paul and Shirley then moved between the different lighting setups for club members to take their own shots.

Many thanks to Mark, Shirley and Paul for making the evening possible.

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