Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Tuesday 25th September – "A Moment Captured" an illustrated talk by Shirley Hollis

We were delighted to welcome Shirley Hollis to our club meeting tonight. Shirley came all the way from Dunstable to give a talk entitled " A Moment Captured". Shirley has an ARPS and AFIAP and after a brief biographical journey she proceeded to share many of her award winning prints. Throughout Shirley stressed that she aimed to capture that fleeting moment of light, emotion or action. In the break members had a chance to see her ARPS Panel of 15 images, all taken in Ashridge Forrest and all ICM. 
After the break we were treated to an  audio visual presentation of images from Iceland. 
Members very much appreciated the hints and tips and suggestions about how to capture some good images and found Shirley's talk very inspirational.

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