Saturday, 19 October 2024

Wednseday 16 October visit to Fair Haven Woodland and Water Garden

A group of us met up at Fairhaven Woodland and Water Gardens. And what a beautiful place. We had a beautiful day photographing a range of subjects, from fungi, autumn colours, gardens etc.
The weather was very kind to us and some members enjoyed a boat trip up the River Bure and past the ruins of St Benet's Abbey

                                    BROWN TOED FOREST FLY (HOVERFLY) by Francesca Shearcroft

                                                AUTUMN LEAVES by Francesca Shearcroft

                                                 ALL THE GREENS by Daphne Lingwood

                                                               FUNGI by Geoff Lingwood

                                          DYERS MAZEGILL FUNGUS by Maureen Campbell

                                               PORCELAIN FUNGUS by Maureen Campbell

                                                             HERON by Tom Thurston

                                                        BELL CAP by Tom Thurston

                                        HARE'S FOOT INCAP MUSHROOM by Diana Graham

                                                   MOORHEN CHICK by Diana Graham

                                               PRIMULA CANDELABRA by Georgie McCall

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