Sunday 7 July 2024

Tuesday 2nd July: "New York Boogie Woogie"– A presentation by Keith Snell

 We welcomed Keith to our meeting this evening but his web site suggested he was a landscape photographer in the  Lake District........however this was far from the Lakes and far from landscapes. The images he showed were all taken on a workshop trip to New York with Doug Chinnery and Valda Bailey and featured multiply exposures all done in camera.

Keith included some technical details about white balance and other camera settings and then showed us how he had created the images. Not all cameras have the blend modes for multiply exposures or the facility to change any parameters between the first and second image.

Keith's images were very  subjective!! Some  member's loving them and inspired to try the type in London perhaps, whilst at the other end of the scale members were totally switched off. 

None the less Keith's presentation was informative and provided some useful technical information, at least for those with the flexibility in their cameras to do multiple exposures.

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