Saturday 22 October 2022

Thursday 20th October 2022 - Minsmere Nature reserve (RSPB)

Sightings were tricky and photography even trickier but we were fortunate to have Dennis Brown with us who, with his local knowledge, was able to guide us to the best possible options on the day.  The elusive bittern was spotted lurking in the reeds and making the occasional fly-past.  Marsh harriers were mostly distant and disappearing in the murky gloom.  The highlights of the day were a solitary purple sandpiper on a beach groyne and some very obliging stonechats flitting amongst the brambles.

Only 7 of us braved the rather damp, murky, windy conditions at Minsmere but everyone seemed to enjoy their day and it was lovely to be out and about with friends and fellow club members.

Some of our images can be seen below:

Purple Sandpiper by Dennis Brown

Bittern by Robin Orrow

Great White Egret by Christine Frost

Heron by Andy Caws

Stonechat, Female by Graham Frost

Bittern in the Reeds by Christine Frost

Stonechat, Male by Graham Frost

Great Egret in Flight by Di Jackson

Shovelers in Flight by Dennis Brown

Bittern in Flight by Di Jackson

Great White Egret in Flight by Graham Frost

 Harrier at Sizewell by Andy Caws

Andy, Beached by Christine Frost

Female Widgeon in Flight by Di Jackson

Great Egret by Robin Orrow