Saturday, 6 November 2021

Tuesday 2nd November: "Rhythms of Emotion: The art of Photography" – an illustrated talk by James Sparshatt

WDPC met in person at Wells Cole to hear James Sparshatt talk about "Rhythms of Emotion". Mainly black and white images, largely focused on Cuba and South America, a region which James was very familiar with having worked as a photographer on various newspapers out there. His images on the screen were accompanied by many stories which made the images more alive. There was not a photo of a car in sight but mainly people, including some of dancers.

It was a good evening and worth waiting to hear live as opposed to Zoom, we had cancelled James' original booking due to the pandemic. He also brought along a dozen or so large framed images..which were spectacular.

Sadly members attending were down but that probably reflects the current covid situation and one or two members still on holiday. However those there really enjoyed the evening and there were very many positive comments.

James is currently running a gallery in Coltishall, Capital Culture but please check the opening hours on there website  before visiting,

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