Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Tuesday 9 January - My kind of photos

This was our first meeting of 2018.  We had a really varied programme provided by three of our members Chris Kot, Roy Scrivener and Mick Ladner.

Chris illustrated his progress in the field of portrait photography over the last few years and shared some tips on how he interacts with models, locates studios and outdoor locations, sets his camera and processes his images.  In his more recent portraits, Chris’ individual style was clearly evident.

by Chris Kot
by Chris Kot

Roy concentrated on several areas of interest architecture, landscape, industrial and low light.  Sometimes work gets in the way of photography, other times, for example when driving home in the middle of the night, it provides wonderful opportunities!  Roy's architectural shots showed some impressive structures and both these and the industrial locations took on a new dimension when taken at dusk or at night.


JUNO OF MORTON by Roy Scrivener

Mick finished the meeting with an excellent selection of his wildlife images.  He started in Wales with red kites and dippers and ended up in his garden sharing his plans for attracting local wildlife.  Along the way, he showed us images of waders, pheasants, hares, deer and seals.  Mick stressed that the best approach is to sit and wait for the wildlife to come to you.  Mick clearly has a lot of patience and it has resulted in great wildlife photos.


RED KITE by Mick Ladner

Many thanks to Chris, Roy and Mick for an excellent evening.

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