Tuesday 22 March 2016

Sunday 20th March - Bury St Edmunds & Ickworth

We spent an enjoyable morning exploring the historic market town of Bury St Edmunds followed by lunch at the Mason's Arms.
The afternoon found some of us going on to Ickworth to enjoy the parklands and gardens while others ventured into the Rotunda to see the amazing art and treasure collections.  The restored servants basement showed an interesting comparison between life 'upstairs and downstairs'.

Here are some of our images:

Squirrel by Sue Baldwin

Abbey Ruins and Cathedral by Di Jackson

Garden Statue by Andy Caws

Queue for Lunch! by Graham Jackson

Window Shopping by Sue Baldwin

Reflections by Graham Jackson

I see the Light by Graham Jackson

Teatime by Di Jackson

Ickworth Interior by Di Jackson

Copperware by Ann Barber

Quick Snack by Ann Barber

Gardener's Cottage Ickworth by Andy Caws

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