Monday, 18 November 2024

Tuesday 12 November Macro and Close up

 On Tuesday evening we welcomed Derek Gale to our club via Zoom to give a talk about macro and close up photography.  He gave a brief introduction about himself and how he got into photography. He then went on to explain the difference between macro and close up. He also talked about equipment and technique.

Close up is about photographing small objects to look larger. 

Macro is also close up, but true macro displays the image life size (1-1 magnification). Both macro and close up can take the photographer into a whole new world.    The closer ones gets to the subject the more one is able to see the complexity of the details.   

Equipment can be expensive or cheap depending on the photographer. Close up can be done with a telephoto lens. Some cameras have macro settings.  He also talked about technique - how to avoid camera shake, using a tripod or self timer and how to adapt the equipment you already have. Patience is very important

What is special about macro and close up is the photographer does not have to leave their own environment.  It can be done indoors or outside (even in your own garden) and there is no need for a studio.  If venturing outside you might need to consider the time of day, check weather conditions and also get to know your subject and their habitat.

Derek is passionate about macro and close up. He was very entertaining and shared some great stories and images.

A visit to his website might just inspire you to have a go at macro or close up photography.

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