Monday, 19 April 2021

Tuesday 13th April – "Abandoned Places" an illustrated talk by James Kerwin

It was a pleasure to welcome James Kerwin to WDPC tonight. When booked I thought he was from Norwich so hopefully he could have come for real to a club meeting or via Zoom, not even thinking the pandemic would still have us locked down. In reality he has lived overseas for the last few years and has spent his time focussing on the Abandoned Places, so once again zoom saved the day.

His talk recounted his different projects in various countries, ranging from Lebanon to Georgia, from Poland to Armenia. He told many stories relating to his images, both of which showed what beautiful buildings some of the abandoned places must have once been. Not really "urb ex" images but more along the lines of a society in decline, even though only one image had any people in it. Along the way he spoke about the importance of light, how he used a tilt and shift lens and also gave additional tips how to photograph architecture.

His web site,,  as well as show casing some of his images also gives details of the workshops the he runs often enabling participants to visit some of the more off the beaten track venues. 

An interesting evening and one which had many members considering where they could find any abandoned buildings nearer home.

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