Tuesday, 3 December 2019

Horsey Gap Seals - Monday 2nd December 2019

23 of us met up in the Nelson Head car park bright and early and once everyone had all their camera gear and warm clothing on we set off to enjoy the 1 mile walk down to the coast.

Although direct access on to the beach was restricted for the safety of the seals, viewing was excellent, and there were hundreds of seals clearly visible and within easy reach of most lenses.  There were seal pups from newborns to a few months old some nestling close to their mothers others left to fend for themselves.  There was the usual aggressive behaviour to be seen between the males and also with the males becoming too amorous for the females and being sent packing often with bloodied noses!

Once everyone had got their shots we made our way back to the Nelson Head where we were served some delicious food in amazingly quick time - needless to say first back to the pub with food in front of them was Mr. Wilkin!

A few of our images can be seen below:

by Liz Akers

by Nick Akers

by Roy Scrivener

by Ann Barber

by David Wilkin

by Christine Frost

by Graham Frost

by Sue Baldwin

by Graham Jackson

by Mary Laing

by John Laing

by John Kerr

by Christine Alcock

By Di Jackson

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