Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Tuesday 1st May – "Insight into Judging"

We welcomed Paul Radden to our meeting this evening to give a talk entitled "Insight into Judging". Not only is Paul the EAF President but also the Judging Secretary for the EAF, with many distinctions, LRPS, DPAGB, EFIAP/b and PSA*2, so he was more than qualified to share some thoughts about judging.
His presentation included many essential elements on how to judge a photograph ranging from practical considerations to technical, composition to post processing and not least on how to be constructive so that the author is not totally demoralised by the judge's comments. His talk was illustrated by many examples and he frequently asked the audience what they thought of a particular image and why.
After the break several members were brave enough to stand up and "judge" some images which were displayed on the screen. This proved much harder than it seemed. However, true to his instructions in his talk Paul was very encouraging about our attempts at judging.
For those wishing to consider going further there is an EAF worskhop in November. Full details availble from the Club secretary or on the EAF web site (
All members seemed to enjoy the evening and a huge thank you to Paul, who had travelled a long way to be with us.

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