Friday, 29 April 2016

Thursday 28th April - Pensthorpe Wildlife & Gardens

17 of us made it to Pensthorpe on a beautiful Spring morning.  We split up with some starting out at the wader scrape and hides whilst others started in the wader aviary or the conservation area with the Cranes, Flamingos, Ibis and Red Squirrels.  After lunch in the cafe most of us ventured to the areas we hadn't visited in the morning.

Pensthorpe provides an excellent venue for practising your photographic techniques whether you're a novice or more experienced nature photographer - the Bearded Tits proved almost as difficult to photograph in the aviary as they do in the wild!

Some of our images can be seen below:

Bearded Tit by Jack Mitchell

Devoted Dad by Sue Baldwin

Smew by Graham Jackson

Mallard Drake by Caroline Tillett

Greylag Gosling Foraging by Tom Thurston

Jackdaw by Tim Leonard

Red Squirrel by Di Jackson

Crane by Francesca Shearcroft

Moorhen with Chick by Caroline Tillett

Face On by Jack Mitchell

Taking a Break by Tom Thurston

Avocets by Tim Leonard

Long-tailed Tit by Di Jackson

Feeding Time by Francesca Shearcroft

Ruff Displaying by Di Jackson

Skunk Cabbage by Francesca Shearcroft

Coot Chick by Graham Jackson

Egyptian Goslings by Tom Thurston

Mandarin Duck by Tim Leonard

Tough Love by Graham Jackson

Turning the Eggs by Sue Baldwin

Little Egret by Jack Mitchell

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