Friday, 13 June 2014

Thursday 12th June 2014 - Strumpshaw Fen (RSPB)

Over 20 of us turned up for our first club visit to Strumpshaw.  I had been keeping an eye open for reports of recent sightings of the elusive swallowtail butterfly - I was hoping that we would get lucky - we didn’t have to wait long before the first in our group spotted this beautiful, exclusive to Norfolk, butterfly. The swallowtail is our largest native butterfly and when you actually see one, you realise what all the fuss is about - they are truly stunning!

Apart from the magnificent swallowtail, we saw many other butterfly species, dragonflies, damselflies and too many other insects, spiders, lizards, beetles to begin to mention.

Being summer, bird sightings were hard to come by.  Marsh harriers were seen in abundance including ariel acrobatics that involved passing food from the male to the female - amazing!

Everyone seemed to enjoy the day even with the sunburn, tired feet and mozzie bites.

See below for some of our images from the day

Di Jackson

Events Secretary 

Common Lizard by Andy Lowe

Grey Heron by James Ball

Enjoying a Chat by Andy Lowe

Red Damselfly by Jim McConnell

Strumpshaw Fen by Christine Alcock

Orchid by Francesca Shearcroft

Greylag Goose in Flight by James Ball

Small Tortoiseshell Butterflies by Jan Murphy

Jay by Jim McConnell

Four Spotted Chaser by Heather Ryder

River Yare at Strumpshaw Fen by Jan Murphy

The Gang by Di Jackson

Norfolk Hawkers by Keith Mountford

Swallowtail by Christine Alcock

Tern With Fish by Robin Orrow

Norfolk Hawker in Flight by Keith Mountford

Small Tortoiseshell by Heather Ryder

Juvenile Bearded Tit by Robin Orrow

Peacock Caterpillars by Di Jackson


  1. Stunning Christine - very jealous x

  2. you missed a great day Roy! - Some great pics - well done all!
