Monday, 8 July 2013

Sunday 7th July - East Anglian Trophy Trial

The last Event of the Season and what a scorcher it turned out to be!  Not only the high temperature but all the high action photography to capture - quite tricky, contrasty conditions with some of the action taking place in the surrounding woodlands.
Sarah quickly spotted our arrival and showed us round the site pointing out the different sections and possible good view points to capture some great images.  David Wilkin quickly spotted the essential ingredient to make his perfect day out... the bacon roll wagon!  Later reports confirmed that the rolls were "excellent".
It was amazing seeing riders of all ages, genders and skill levels attacking what seemed to be virtually impossible obstacles and terrain - some of us could barely keep our footing just walking the course!

Thanks again Sarah for inviting us to your Event.

Some images from the day are shown below.

by David Wilkin

by Andy Caws

by Geoff Lingwood

by Keith Mountford

by Caroline Tillett

by Andy Caws

by Di Jackson

by David Wilkin

by Geoff Lingwood

by Keith Mountford

by Caroline Tillett

by Di Jackson

by David Wilkin

by Keith Mountford

by Di Jackson

by David Wilkin

by Keith Mountford

by Di Jackson

by David Wilkin

by Keith Mountford

by Di Jackson

1 comment:

  1. Caroline xJuly 08, 2013

    Yet again, another fantastic event, I'm so glad i've been able to attend quite a few (although don't like sneaky pix of me!)
    Its great spending time with like minded people, we always have a laugh.
    You do a great job Di xxx
