Sunday, 25 November 2012

Friday 23rd November - Horsey Wind Pump

Talk about lucky - one fantastic day between some really terrible stormy days!   Our arrival at Horsey Wind Pump coincided with the unexpected arrival of the NT Warden who was there to do an end of season stock take.  He very kindly opened the loo, the cafe, the shop and the wind pump itself so we were able to enjoy all of the facilities (they are usually closed from the beginning of November).  Some canny Members made the most of the opportunity to buy some cracking BOGOF bargains.

We moved on to the Nelson Head and all packed into their cosy dining room where everyone seemed to enjoy an excellent lunch in double quick time so we could get down to Horsey Gap for the main event, the seals and pups.  We weren’t disappointed - the official count was approaching 300 pups on the beach and it didn’t take us long to locate them.  First the noise (from both ends!), then the smell which fortunately you soon get used to.  The light was good, the tide was pushing the seals up the beach so hopefully everyone managed to capture some images.  All in all, an excellent club outing.  Thanks to everyone who joined in on the day.

Di Jackson
Events Secretary

by David Wilkin

by Andy Caws

by Marnie Ball

by Diana Graham

by Francesca Shearcroft

by Roy Scrivener

by David Wilkin

by Marnie Ball

by Di Jackson

by Andy Caws

by Diana Graham

by Francesca Shearcroft

by Di Jackson

by Francesca Shearcroft

by Roy Scrivener

by Di Jackson

by David Wilkin

by Di Jackson

by Di Jackson

by Marnie Ball

by Francesca Shearcroft

by Diana Graham


  1. We were so lucky with the weather and really enjoyed the company and the days itinerary, well done Di, another good day out.
    Christine A

  2. Some great pictures, looks like you had an enjoyable day!
    David B

  3. An excellent day out. I'm looking forward to seeing more photos from Horsey.
    Many thanks to Di for organising it and to everyone who joined in and made it fun.


  4. Gutted i couldn't make this event, cracking day for it, cute cuddly pups, and a pub lunch, my idea of heaven.
    Awesome pix everyone (as usual) i'm 'well jell'

    Caroline x

  5. I second what everyone has said about the day.
    Good weather, company and lunch!.
    A great day out.
    Thanks Di.

    Di G
