Wednesday 26 September 2012

Friday 21st September - Sea Mere Gardens, Hingham

Thanks to all who turned up for our first Club Event of the new season.  Judy Watson gave us a quick introduction and tour of the different areas of interest within the fantastic gardens.  We were amazed to discover that most of the planting and ongoing upkeep of the garden is carried out by Judy with help from just one student. After the guided tour we all went off to do our own thing.  Some of the resulting images can be seen below - hope you enjoy them.

Di Jackson
(Events Secretary)

by Keith Mountford

by Marnie Ball

by Marnie Ball

by James Ball

by James Ball

by Keith Mountford

by Di Jackson

by Di Jackson

by Andy Caws

by Keith Mountford

by Di Jackson

by Di Jackson

Sea Mere Gardens

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